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How does stress management work in Embodied Coaching?

Stress affects us all!

Stress. It is the number 1 widespread disease in fast-moving and uncertain times. It manifests itself differently in the form of mental, emotional or physical stress.

Some report nervousness - the mind races, many suffer from sleep disturbances or lack of concentration, some are easily irritable, some withdraw and some complain of heart palpitations, tension, headaches....

Some ignore it and then at some point their body slows them down so much that it pulls the rug out from under their feet.

What happens in our body when we have stress?

Basically, the reaction to a stressful situation can be compared to a kind of alarm state of the body due to a danger. As with our ancestors, who were still fighting for survival with wild animals, the "fight-flight-fright" mode kicks in fully automatically in us today when we have stress.

Stress hormones, such as norepinephrine, epinephrine and cortisol, are released in the body to help us cope with the situation. As a result, for example, our heart rate increases, our immune system is activated, our bronchial tubes dilate, and our muscles tense. Other bodily functions that are not important at that moment are shut down to a certain extent, such as stomach and intestinal activity. For short periods of stress, these are good reactions that help us focus and perform at a high level.

If the stress phase lasts a little longer, our body tries to adapt to the situation. This is when we develop the first symptoms, such as tension or high blood pressure, because despite and also because of its attempts to adapt, the body is still under pressure.

If we do nothing about the stress, our body's state of alarm continues. If it can no longer adapt or withstand the pressure, this can have various consequences, some of them serious, such as a weakened immune system, declining performance, mental illnesses, stomach problems, shortness of breath, sleeping disorders, etc.

Stress körperlich verarbeiten. Resilienz steigern.

What can I do to reduce stress? Embodiment coaching can be an option.

Since stress is not only in the psyche, but also physically, it is also important to take physical action.

There are many exercises and recommendations to counteract stress, such as getting enough sleep, breathing exercises, exercise, yoga and meditation, or simply lazing around.

What our body needs after the alarm phases or to interrupt them is relaxation.

Our nervous system needs to be able to calm down and our muscles and mind need rest.

In Embodied Coaching we work extensively with the body to relieve stress and build resilience. In doing so, we first learn about different types of stress and take a close look at our own stress behaviors, because stress affects everyone differently.

Since movement is the fastest way to connect with our own body and our unconscious reasons for acting, we work with physical exercises. This way we recognize stress in our own body and we learn how to reduce it. We activate our self-regulation skills to build resilience. The exercises help us calm our nervous system and support us to be mindful and well equipped for future stressful situations.

Exercise to reduce stress

A wonderful way to reset or re-regulate the nervous system is through breathing exercises. One of my favorite forms of breathing is holotropic breathing. This breathing technique was developed by psychotherapist Stanislav Grof in the 1980s.

Through accelerated breathing, supportive music and process-oriented bodywork, one enters special, trance-like states of consciousness where psychological resistances are lowered and deeper (in the subconscious) soul-spirit comes to the surface.

Breathwork of this kind should never be done alone, but there are also easier breathing exercises that are very effective and helpful to relax, and can be done alone.

For example, practice the long exhale. Breathing out longer than breathing in activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which means relaxation.

Count to 3 on the inhale and to 6 or even 9 in the same beat on the exhale. Repeat several times

If you would like to know more about this or would like to work effectively on your stress management, please feel free to arrange a no-obligation initial consultation with me.

! Stress can lead to severe mental and psychological illness. If you are acutely severely affected, please see a doctor and/or psychotherapist!

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